Health and Well Being

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Mind & Body Healing - Exercise/ Meditation to Reduce Stress

This is a 10 week exercise designed to promote wellness and reduce stress.

Every week, we will upload a recording. We encourage you to listen to the recording during the week and practice the exercises every day.  

The program aims to slow down the fast pace of thoughts in your head, reduce the outside noise of the world and encourage quietness, introspection, acceptance, calmness and peace within. This will help in reducing stress which affects us both physically and physiologically.  

Breathing is such an automatic and intrinsic part of our body that we tend to ignore it. However, this is vital for our body – the taking in of oxygen without which we can’t survive and the exhalation of carbon dioxide.

we need to take a little time to breathe in the positive and exhale the negative.

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Week 1
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